My mom once gave my Great-Grandmother a journal and asked her to fill it with advice, guidance, prayers, scripture, and memories. She wanted it to be personalized, something she could share with my sister and I and treasure for years to come. My Great-Grandmother was an inspirational woman. She lived a hard life, but she never ceased to give God praise. Her wisdom deserves to be shared, not just within our family, but with anyone who will listen.

May 6th 2006

My Heavenly Father,
     Thank you for this beautiful day. Forgive me of all my sins and help me be what you would have me be. I need you every hour of the day and night.
     Thank you for my family. Would you bless them and keep them close to you, and save the ones who don't know you?
     Be with us today. I am going with my granddaughters to get a reward and I am so proud of them. They are both raising children alone and I know how hard that is. Would you bless them?
     Thank you for my church and Preacher David and the staff and all the members . Grow us all closer to you.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God. What is good and acceptable and perfect."
- Romans 12:2

     Dear God, help us to make good choices that will shape us into your likeness. Help us evaluate possibilities and opportunities according to their effect on our spiritual growth. Amen.
Thought for the Day:
The choices we make - good and bad - shape us.

I love you Lord Jesus and I praise you!

Thank you for every blessing you have ever given to me and for all you're going to do.

Thank you!

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